HAIR + [monso] My Hair - Seulgi /Black & White●●●JAPANESE KIMONO + ~Ss~Kimono -SHIMA- BlackLocation :: The Outer Garden "Auspicious Sign-吉祥椿壽"
HEADAPP + .:[PUMEC] :.-.:CORA:.- /May\ - FOR LELUTKA (SIMONE BENTO)HAIR + tram F1120 hair●●●MUFFLER + ::C'est la vie !:: Til mufflerEARS + ^^Swallow^^ Rox Ears 0.2
JACKET + -Pixicat- Puffer.Jacket (Fitted)KNIT + -Pixicat- Puffer.Knit (Fitted)BOOTS + [VALE KOER] BARBADOS KNEEBOOTS FATPACKHEADSKIN/EYES/EARS + .:[PUMEC] :. The Fantasy Collective GACHAHAIR + [monso] My Hair - Yujung /Black & White●●●EYEMAKEUP + ::Odeco::Catwa Eye make-up_nobleSKIRT + Bueno - Denim Skirts -Gray
wear :: mHAIR + *Dura-Game*03-DARKKNIT + etham - Justin SweaterPANTS + BlankLine Joggarpants [Camo]BOOTS + BlankLine ArmyBoots(Fitted)[Beige]wear :: fHAIR + tram F517 hairCHOKER + .miss chelsea. Zita Choker RedKNIT + [Cosmic Dust] - Holiday Sweater - Red NordicSKIRT + Moon Elixir- Winter Mist - 9 - Snow SkirtSHOES/SOCKS + Moon Elixir - Winter Mist - 20 - BurgundyPOSE + Glamrus . Our First Christmas //COMMON 04decor ::DESK + SAYO - Modern Minimalist DeskFLAMES + SAYO - Modern Minimalist FramesBUCKET + brocante. farm bucket saplingSIGN + floorplan. christmas trees signCHAIR + [NO CONCEPT] rocking chair(dark wood)TREE-ORNAMENT + [NO CONCEPT](Xmas tree gacha)
HAIR + *Dura-Boy*73-DARKKNIT + <kalback> Casual Sweater_Striped (Exclusive)STOVE + [NO CONCEPT] wood-burning stove(black)✡SNEAKERS + [ VERSOV ] WONZOV_Sneakers_DIRTY WHITE●●●JEANS + [ Excellence ] jeans_Smile_Green
BRA/CORSET/PANTS/CROTHSET + -Pixicat- Explorer.Set●●●HAIR + +Spellbound+ Noir // Chapter I : EarthHORN + . a i s l i n g . Marangki -PureWhite-CLOTH + CURELESS&DISORDERLY / Senshi of the End / Senshi Cloth CHIBI
DECOR/WEAR + Sari-Sari - Am Sick GACHAComfy Corner RARELemon and Ginger Tea Tray RAREBlanket Wrap(White)*wear*Comfy Socks(Argyle Dark)Comfy Socks(Hearts)Dackel Heat Pad(Christmas/Pastel)*wear*Get Well Card(Stars)Ice Bag(Dots/Plain)*wear*Mushroom SoupPill Plushie(Green)*wear*Thermometer*wear*
HAIR + [monso] My Hair - Mina /Red✡SNEAKERS + [VALE KOER] DROPOUT TRAINERS FATPACKTATTOO + *Bolson / Tattoo - Bernard
HAIR + tram F1124 hair / HUD-A✡TATTOO + *Bolson / Tattoo - Bernard✡SNEAKERS + [ VERSOV ] WERZOV_SNEAKERS_Black Croco✡JEANS + <kalback> Original Jeans_Dark
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